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Best IUI Center In Raipur

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Best Iui Center 

When a female conceives naturally, sperm travel from the vagina through the cervix, into the uterus or womb, and go into the fallopian tubes. If sperm arrive in a tube after the release of the egg from the ovary called ovulation; the sperm and egg can meet and the fertilization process happens in the tube.

The cervix naturally limits the number of sperm that enter the uterus during intercourse. This means that only a few percentages of the sperm in the ejaculate actually make their way into the fallopian tubes.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure in which sperm places past the cervix and in a woman’s uterus around the time of ovulation. This procedure makes a shorter path for sperm. This makes the passage to the fallopian tubes much shorter, and there is a better chance that more sperm will find and reaches the egg. The goal of this procedure is to improve the chance of getting women pregnant.

When Is Iui Helpful?

There are many problems in couples who experience difficulty getting pregnant. IUI may be useful for some of them.

Unexplained causes.

The most common use for IUI is when no cause for infertility is found in patients. In the case of unexplained infertility, infertile women sometimes take medications either by mouth or in the form of an injection that causes their ovaries to mature several eggs at once. The goal of these medications is to increase the chance of pregnancy by putting more sperm in contact with more eggs.

Cervical stenosis or abnormalities.

IUI is helpful when a woman’s cervix has scarring that prevents the sperm from entering the uterus from the vagina. This may be seen in women who have had surgery on their cervix (cryosurgery, cone biopsy, Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure [LEEP], etc.). IUI can also assist when a woman has a cervix that is shaped abnormally in a way that prevents the passage of sperm.

Problems with sperm delivery.

IUI can also be used for these couples in which male factor infertility happens. In which the male partner cannot become or stay erect or is not able to ejaculate effectively, or at all. For example, retrograde ejaculation is when the sperm are released backward into the bladder, instead of through the penis, at the time of male orgasm. Prior surgeries or medical conditions, such as diabetes, can cause retrograde ejaculation. Also, IUI may help if the man has an abnormal urethral opening (opening of the penis).

Lack of ovulation (anovulation).

Most of the time women who do not release an egg or do not ovulate regularly can become pregnant through intercourse. Sometimes, IUI may be helpful in such cases.

How Is Iui Done?

Collected, the semen sample is washed in the laboratory to concentrate the sperm and remove the seminal fluid. The seminal fluid can cause severe cramping in the woman. This process can take up to 2 hours to complete.

IUI is performed near the time of ovulation. The IUI procedure is relatively simple and only takes 5 to 10  minutes once the semen sample is prepared. The woman lies on an examining table and the clinician inserts a speculum into her vagina to see her cervix. A catheter (narrow tube) is inserted through the cervix into the uterus and the washed semen sample is slowly injected. Usually, this procedure is painless, but some women have mild cramps. Some women may experience spotting for a day or two after the IUI.

The success rate will vary depending on the cause of infertility. IUI works best in patients with unexplained infertility, women with a cervix that limits the passage of sperm, and men who are unable to ejaculate effectively. For example, for unexplained infertility couples, the pregnancy rate with IUI is double that of no treatment.

IUI is not worked well for men infertility who produce few sperm or have severe abnormalities with their sperm and does not help women who have severe fallopian tube disease, moderate to severe endometriosis, or a history of pelvic (lower belly) infections. Other fertility treatments are better for these patients.

Overall, if inseminations are performed every month with fresh or frozen sperm, success rates can be better. The success rates depend on whether fertility medications are used, the age of the woman, and infertility diagnosis, as well as other factors.