Dr. Ankita Malewar ( Paunikar )

Treatment To Improve Sperm Count In Nagpur

Home Treatment To Improve Sperm Count In Nagpur

Treatment to improve sperm count IN NAGPUR

A low sperm count is a diagnosed as part of a semen analysis test. Sperm count is generally determined by examining semen under a microscope to see how many sperm appear within squares on a grid pattern. In some cases, a computer might be used to measure sperm low count.

Semen samples can be obtained in a couple of different ways. You can provide a sample by masturbating and ejaculating into a special container at the doctor’s office. Because of religious or cultural beliefs, some men prefer an alternative method of semen collection. In such cases, semen can be collected by using a special condom during intercourse.

Understanding your semen analysis

A semen analysis in nagpur tests for the following:

  • number of sperm cell (volume)
  • shape of sperm cell
  • movement of sperm cell, or “sperm motility”

The number, shape, and quality of sperm cell area unit vital for testing for male issue sterility. Your doctor might advocate testing up to 3 samples of sperm cell at totally different visits to urge associate degree correct analysis.

At-home checks solely test for the quantity of sperm cell. confer with your doctor if you’re curious about a full analysis.

Diagnosis in Nagpur

When you see a doctor as a result of you are having bother obtaining your partner pregnant, he or she is going to attempt to verify the underlying cause. even though your doctor thinks low sperm cell count is that the drawback, it’s suggested that your partner be evaluated to rule out potential contributory factors and verify if aided generative techniques is also needed.

General physical examination and case history

This includes examination of your privates and asking questions about any genetic conditions, chronic health issues, illnesses, injuries or surgeries that would have an effect on fertility. Your doctor may also raise regarding your sexual habits and your sexual development.

Semen analysis in Nagpur

A low sperm cell count is diagnosed as a part of a cum analysis check. sperm cell count is mostly determined by examining cum underneath a magnifier to visualize what number sperm cell seem among squares on a grid pattern. In some cases, a laptop could be accustomed live sperm cell count.

Semen samples may be obtained in an exceedingly few other ways. you’ll give a sample by masturbating and ejaculating into a special instrumentation at the doctor’s workplace. owing to non secular or cultural beliefs, some men like an alternate methodology of cum assortment. In such cases, cum may be collected by employing a special prophylactic device throughout intercourse.

New sperm cell area unit created frequently within the testicles and take regarding forty two to seventy six days to mature. So, a current cum analysis reflects your atmosphere over the past 3 months. Any positive changes you’ve got created will not show up for many months.

One of the foremost common causes of low sperm cell count is incomplete or improper assortment of a sperm cell sample. sperm cell counts conjointly usually fluctuate. owing to these factors, most doctors can check 2 or a lot of cum samples over time to confirm consistency between samples.

To ensure accuracy in an exceedingly assortment, your doctor will:

Ask you to form certain all of your cum makes it into {the assortment|the gathering} cup or collection prophylactic device after you ejaculate

Have you abstain from ejaculating for 2 to seven days before assembling a sample

Collect a second sample a minimum of period of time once the primary

Have you avoid the employment of lubricants as a result of these product will have an effect on sperm cell motility

Treatment To Improve Sperm Count in Nagpur

Treatments for low sperm cell count include:

Surgery. as an example, a distension will usually be surgically corrected or associate degree plugged ductus deferens may be repaired. previous vasectomies may be reversed. In cases wherever no sperm cell area unit gift within the ejaculate, sperm cell will usually be retrieved directly from the testicles or channel exploitation sperm cell retrieval techniques. Treating infections. Antibiotics will cure associate degree infection of the generative tract, however this does not continually restore fertility. Treatments for sexual issues issues. Medication or message will facilitate improve fertility in conditions like impotence or ejaculation.

Hormone treatments and medications. Your doctor would possibly advocate endocrine replacement or medications in cases wherever sterility is caused by high or low levels of bound hormones or issues with the method the body uses hormones. Assisted generative technology (ART). ART treatments involve getting sperm cell through traditional ejaculation, surgical extraction or from donor people, looking on your specific scenario and desires. The sperm cell area unit then inserted into the feminine sex organ tract, or used for IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm cell injection.


Medication can improve low sperm count in some men with infertility. Your doctor may prescribe an estrogen receptor blocker, such as clomiphene citrate, which stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the brain. This generates hormone production and the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which can increase sperm production.

This medication is taken by mouth. Your doctor recommends how frequently it should be taken.

Men with low testosterone levels may be prescribed human chorionic gonadotropin to adjust FSH and LH levels and increase sperm production. This medication is injected three times per week for as long as six months. Your doctor uses regular blood tests to monitor testosterone levels, adjusting the medication dosage accordingly. Our experts can teach you and your partner how to administer the medication at home.

Synthetic testosterone is not prescribed, because it can actually decrease sperm count in men.

Foods to improve sperm count

For the most part, taking supplements is a safe way for a person to reach their daily requirement for most vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, the body does not always easily absorb them.

Most studies suggest that eating foods that provide good amounts of specific compounds and chemicals allows the body to use them more efficiently.

The best way to increase sperm count naturally may be to increase the consumption of foods high in sperm-friendly nutrients, such as vitamin C, antioxidants, and polyunsaturated fats.


A doctor may prescribe medication for males with very low sperm counts and those who have additional health factors or considerations.
Medications that doctors sometimes prescribe to treat a low sperm count include:

  • serophene oral, though this is more common in female infertility
  • Gonal-F RFF Redi-ject (follitropin alfa or gonal-F)
  • antibiotics, if a low sperm count occurs due to a urinary or reproductive tract infection
  • human chorionic gonadotrophin (Choragon or Pregnyl)
  • letrozole or anastrozole
  • exogenous androgens